Jeanne Spaey


Image consulting

Image consulting

Clothing is at the heart of our lives, and central to our self-image and the impression we make on others. I invite you to discover your personality through a series of image consulting sessions.

It’s a unique and timeless opportunity to learn how to enhance your image, develop your knowledge of cuts, colors and styles, and boost your self-esteem.

Whether you’re in the mood for a complete makeover, a beauty makeover, or more efficiency in your wardrobe and style, dress coaching will give you the tools.

Dressing will become fun, and will bring you pleasure and satisfaction!

Certified in sustainable fashion image consulting and trained as a stylist, I’ve helped over a hundred clients transform their wardrobe and develop their potential.

The "transformation" program

Transformation complète

I offer you a 4-step process for in-depth transformation and step-by-step support.

The steps :

  • colorimetry: discover the colors that illuminate your complexion
  • self-make-up course: learn how to use make-up to enhance your features naturally
  • morphology analysis: highlight your assets with the right choice of model and cut
  • wardrobe sorting and the “sustainable fashion” session: determine your tastes and assert your style.

Between sessions, I also offer 2 half-hour coaching sessions to guide you on your personal journey.

The advantages of the program over individual sessions are numerous:

  • A “makeover”, an in-depth transformation thanks to the in-depth work and plurality of sessions.
  • Personalized support and comprehensive follow-up thanks to coaching between each session
  • Preferential rates and new sessions such as self-make-up and sustainable fashion.

Together, let’s redefine your style and create a wardrobe that suits you, while taking care of our planet!

Accompagnement unique

Find out more about individual sessions.

Color Analysis

Discover the colors that enhance you and learn how to combine them for a harmonious wardrobe.

During this workshop, you’ll sharpen your eye for recognizing the tones that bring out the best in you, based on your skin tone and natural colors.

I’ll use the 12 seasons system and its precise color charts to advise you on clothing, accessories and beauty choices.

The color charts and booklet you’ll receive at the end of the session will help you choose clothes for future purchases, and combine colors for a harmonious wardrobe. 1h30 session.

Body shape Analysis

Take a fresh look at your body and identify the models that best enhance your assets.

Knowing your body type is the first step to enhancing your silhouette.

In this session, we’ll discuss the rules of proportion and the use of fabrics, patterns and colors to create ensembles that reflect your personality and make you feel good.

You’ll leave with a personalized notebook containing specific advice on cuts and patterns and suggestions for accessories to enhance your silhouette. Length: 1h30.

Wardrobe editing

Sorting for a wardrobe that reflects you

In this step, I’ll help you go back to basics to better reflect your personal style.

Reviewing your clothes with my supervision and the application of colorimetry and morphology advice, helps you clarify your tastes and needs, and is a further step towards more reasoned, less impulsive consumption.

At the end of the session, your wardrobe will be sorted with personalized suggestions and a guide for future informed choices.

Duration: 2 hours.

Sustainable, high-quality consumption

For high-quality, eco-responsible clothing

Learn how to decode labels, differentiate between synthetic and natural materials, “real” sustainable materials and greenwashing, identify clothing quality criteria and apply the right care to preserve your pieces longer.

Leave with a practical guide to responsible shopping.

Duration: 1 hour.

Personal Shopping

Find the perfect pieces to complement your style and wardrobe.

I’ll guide you through a selection of stores adapted to your style and budget, and advise you on how to find the rare pearl for a style that reflects your image.

Duration: customized.

Experience to be co-constructed during a call bookable below.

Style & capsule wardrobe

Identify your style and create your capsule wardrobe.

In this session, we’ll determine your style using the 3-word method.

We’ll then talk about basics, key pieces and tips and tricks to affirm your style and create your ideal wardrobe.

With personalized advice to guide your future purchases, you’ll end up with a wardrobe that perfectly reflects who you are.

Length: 1h30.

Available as a complement to the wardrobe sorting session.


Colorimetry, shopping support and style & capsule wardrobe sessions can also be organized as group workshops on request for special occasions (bachelorette parties, retreats, etc.).


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